Take it away, Joanne!
If you’ve ever read one of my books, you’ll know I don’t write feisty heroines. In fact, my heroines tend to be the exact opposite. They tend to be the quiet girls. Bookworms. Geeks. Shy girls. The type of people who usually get overlooked. I prefer them, because, well, they’re more like me.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I like the kickass heroine. It’s
kind of fun to be in the shoes of someone strong, who isn’t afraid to stand up
for herself and say to hell with what others think. In fact, I wrote one. Becca
Morgan from Winning Becca. She hasn’t
gotten published yet. She’s still sitting with my agent, waiting to be edited. But
Becca is a third degree black belt in karate and she isn’t afraid to stand up
to the likes of the hero, Jackson Kade. I had fun watching Jackson break down
her defenses. I’m also partial to Vonnie’s Evie from Those
Violet Eyes and Jezzy from AJ Nuest’s Jezebel’s
Wish. And no. I’m not just tooting their horns because I like them.
Both books blew me away. If you haven’t read them, you should! (Okay, LOVE JOANNE! LOVE HER! LOL THANKS, TOOTS!)
Back to my point (I’m a yapper once you get me going)…
despite all that, I’m still more partial to seeing poor, picked on, overworked
and under-appreciated Cinderella get her prince. I was that shy girl once.
Unsure of herself, quiet, positive she just didn’t make the grade. I certainly
wasn’t popular and I was definitely on the dorky side. lol So, I like to see
the little guy or girl get his or her man (or woman).

my lead.” His voice flowed against her ear, rich and smooth and darkly sensual.
The kind of voice she could well imagine whispering to her in the dark. It
added to the stubble prickling her cheek and, for a moment, her mind twisted
off in another direction, filling with naughty fantasies. Suddenly she was
dying to see the face behind the voice.
Louder he said, “Miss me?”
Velvet soft lips brushed her earlobe as he spoke, combined with the deep, sensual quality of his voice and sent delicious shivers slipping down her spine. For a moment, Cat forgot to breathe, forgot what in the world she was supposed to be doing. Somewhere through the haze that took over her mind, his meaning finally occurred to her. Her body went limp with relief. She had the sudden urge to turn and hug the man. Chivalry hadn’t died with King Arthur after all.
late.” Playing her part, she straightened on her stool and reached back to
twine her fingers with his. Soft, thick fingers that filled her overheated mind
with visions of them sliding over her skin.
clod’s hand finally released her thigh, and Cat swallowed a sigh of relief then
spun to face her savior. “You were supposed to be here...”
train of thought derailed as she came face to face with the center of a broad
chest. A thickly muscled chest barely contained by the black T-shirt covering
it. Her heart skipped several beats as she followed the muscles upward, past
even wider shoulders, until her gaze collided with a pair of dark brown eyes that
made her breath catch.
boy. She clamped her mouth shut and swallowed hard. A five o’clock shadow
covered a strong, square jaw, giving him a rough and rugged edge. His thick,
almost black, hair licked at the collar of his worn leather jacket, just long
enough to be rebellious, and tousled by the wind. Her fingers itched to reach
up and slide through his hair to see if it felt as soft as it seemed.
me.” As he bent down to her eye level, his eyes burned into hers, a hidden
meaning in the dark depths she couldn’t quite grasp. She couldn’t concentrate
much past the fact his face was now a scant inch from hers. His soft, warm
breath fanned her lips, and her gaze zeroed in on the mouth that had sent
delicious sensations thrumming through her body barely a minute ago.
Before she could ponder what on earth he meant or come up with a proper response, he took their charade a step further.
He kissed her.
Cat Edwards has spent her life playing the wallflower in an effort to escape the repressive weight of her mother’s tarnished name. Dragged to a bar by her best friend in an effort to forget a broken heart, the shy bookworm is determined to be someone else for the night, but quickly gets in over her head. She discovers chivalry isn’t dead after all when a mysterious stranger comes to her rescue. He’s wearing black leather and a mischievous smile that promises to be exactly what she needs.
When his
terminally ill father suffers a setback, Michael Brant returns to the town he
swore ten years ago he’d never return to. He’s come back this time determined
to make peace with the past, but being home brings up memories he doesn’t want
to remember anymore. His first night in town, he’s captured by a damsel in
distress. Cat’s beauty is made all the more alluring when he realizes she has
no idea who he is. He can’t resist spending a single night in her arms. With
her, he’s only a man, disconnected from his family’s name and the past that
haunts him here.
As the town
erupts with the news of his return, Michael’s dark past comes back to haunt
him, putting Cat in danger. Someone is threatening her life and the life of her
family. Desperate to keep history from repeating itself, Michael offers her his
family’s name in order to keep her safe. When the lie spirals beyond their
control, can they stop their hearts from becoming entangled as well?
About the author:

Where you
can find Joanne on the web:
Website: http://authorjmstewart.com/Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/JMStewartWriter
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Author-JM-Stewart/129990420383155
Blog: http://jm-stewart.blogspot.com/
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3159044.J_M_Stewart
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/authorjmstewart/
Buy link:
Amazon: http://amzn.com/B00AWWZVBE
Good morning, ladies! Joanne, I love your take on quiet, overlooked heroines. I think we all have that side to us. And I LOVED the excerpt! This sounds like a great book. Congrats!
That is a gorgeous excerpt!! I agree, kick-butt heroines are fantastic, but I also love the shy girls, the ones who have to break down their own carefully constructed walls to find love!
Thanks for having me, AJ! And the mention--I meant it! Jezzy was a heroine who took me by storm! ;)
This excerpt. I have to laugh. Michael wrote that one. He stormed into my scene and took over completely. I love it when they do that. ;)
Alison--Thanks so much for stopping by to let me share it with you!
Barb--Exactly! Thanks for stopping by!
Oh my gosh, this book sounds awesome! And I like that you write about the shy bookworm type...that's me. Even if I'm a loud mouth in cyberspace :) I'm brave when I'm not in front of a ton of people :)
Niecey--hehe. Yeah, it's definitely easier here in cyberspace, where no one can see me. In person, I'm that girl holding up the wall. lol
thanks for stopping by!
AGREED! I'm plagued by horrible insecurities, but I think most writers are...heck, probably all artists. And also agreed about Evie, Joanne. She ROCKS! And Win, the hero in Vonnie's book,Those Violet Eyes. I will NEVER get over my crush on that guy. He is just...dreamy.
Ladies, I have halfway through Joanne's book. Awesome, just awesome. If you loved the excerpt she shares today then you must read the book for there are many, many more "sighable" moments.
Joanne, as for your and AJ's kind words about Evie and Win, hugs to you both. I'm beyond flatterd. Truly...especially on a day I feel as if my writing is getting worse instead of better. Insecurities, oh yeah, I've got a tankful of them.
I'm honored that you say that about the book, Vonnie. I adore Michael and I'm biting my nails wondering if others will as well.
RE: insecurities--you know, I'm honestly not sure that part of me will ever go away. I've been feeling that way a lot lately. It's like a dang curse. Some things in this business are just hard. But at least we have each other. We can keep each other going!
AJ--oh, we're in total agreement about Win. I was attached to him from the end of the first chapter. Made me cry, I wanted him to find his HEA so bad. LOVE Win.
Dang it! Now I gotta go read Those Violet Eyes...again! LOL
Arrrgghhh - that excerpt! The tension, description, just excellent. Can't wait to get my hands on, er, the story. I love all different kinds of heroines, ones I can relate to and ones that take me out of my comfort zone, depending on my mood and the imagination of the author. Thanks, ladies!
Melissa--I'm the same. It really depends on my mood. I also think that how the author pulls it off depends on how I like it. I want a character I can identify with.
thanks for visiting with me!
Whoot! Just bought your book, Joanne. And I just bought Vonnie's Mona Lisa's Room. LOL A lady with an Amazon account and a Kindle is a dangerous thing...
Oh, the worst feature is that one click buy. I don't have time to talk myself out of it. I think there's a picture/saying I saw going around facebook. Something about, I should never be trusted in a bookstore with a credit card. Some girls collect shoes or jewelry...I'm dangerous in the bookstore. It's like candy. Now, with Amazon, it's insta-read. lol
Very nice excerpt! As for heroines, it depends on what I'm in the mood to read. But generally speaking, as long as they're smart and make smart decisions, even if it's for the wrong reasons, I'm a happy reader.
Joanne, I literally get a rush just walking into a book store...or the library. The delicious aroma of all those pages make me swoon. LOL
AJ--LOL! Me too. Terrible ain't it? ;)
Karyn--as I mentioned, I have my favorites, but really, I'm fairly easy as a reader. I like to give everybody a chance. I have to admit I don't arrogant. I'm not fond of the alpha.
Thanks for visiting with me!
Your excerpt was a fabulous end to my evening, Joanne. I've had a great day - actually adding some 3000 to my current WIP which hasn't ahppened for ages. Your lass sounds so appealing my TBR pile has increased.Best to you.
Hi Joanne,
Great excert and premise. I am rather partial to the Cinderella type heroines myself. the ones who get themselves rescued by strong, but tortured heroes.
Nancy--that's an excellent day! I don't think I've ever done 3K in one day. Congrats! That deserves celebrating!
Margaret--Yup, I agree. In general, I'm a big fan of the tortured hero. He's so complex and so yummy.
thanks for visiting with me guys!
Sorry I'm late but OMG! The cover and title already had me hooked. However,I've been so busy I didn't buy it yet. After reading the excerpt, I bought it. That's right. I didn't even wait to leave this comment first.
hehe. I do love this cover, Sandra. Hope you enjoy the book! Thanks for stopping by to visit!
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