Whoot! Bells and whistles, and some happy dancing, too. My contemporary romance, THAT DATING THING, is about to hit the virtual shelves!

*AJ says, me too! Oh! Can I come? Can I? Can I?*
Coop simply makes my heart sigh, and as for Pippin? Oh yeah. I definitely see a Great Dane in my future. The thought of one jammed into my Jeep wrangler, tongue hanging out as we explore the backroads of the southwest, brings a wide smile to my face.
Yeah, I’m a goof, but I’m a goof on cloud 9! And I’m thrilled to be visiting with AJ today. She’s earned my undying appreciation, you see. *winks at AJ, the best damn editor ever* She saw something in THAT DATING THING and put her nose to the grindstone to help polish and prepare my lighthearted, romantic romp in the midst of Wall Street greed for publication. Working with AJ was not only educational, but a frigging blast as well. I can’t thank her enough for sharing her incredible editorial prowess with a relative newbie. But enough about my literary crush…
*AJ blushes. Do you now see why I love this woman? Geesh! And what Mac isn't telling you is that honestly, the pleasure was all mine. *

I personally have no experience with criminal tendencies in my own family. My dad was the most ethical man I’ve ever met. Let’s face it, a man who marches his four year old back to the corner store to return a pilfered piece of bubble gum (No, it wasn’t me. I’ve always been too much of a weenie to steal anything.) would never even consider lining his pockets through a ponzi scheme. But for the innocent children of those who would, what must life be like? Rylee Pierce, the heroine of THAT DATING THING, is one of those innocents.
Continuously painted with a guilty brush, thanks to her father’s notoriety, Rylee does what any rational woman would do. She changes her identity, starts up a dog training business, and learns to fly beneath society’s radar. Boring! Well crap. We can’t have that! Dictators and ponzi schemers aren’t the only ones who believe they have the right to control the lives of others. Authors do it all the time through their writings. I’m no different, and I love nothing better than shaking up my character’s lives through laughter.

Rylee reacted to Coop’s suggestive comment
exactly as he expected. She blinked and a tiny frown creased her brow. Whenever
the conversation veered toward anything even remotely personal, she either fell
back on that sarcastic wit she’d perfected or she retreated into silence. Like
Curious contradictions lurked beneath
the carefree, lighthearted image she projected. She’d dismissed his show of
interest, along with his invitation to meet his friends, and yet he caught her
watching him several times during dinner, her eyes full of feminine awareness.
Her aunt’s matchmaking annoyed her, but she smiled and teased him, including
him in the family camaraderie around the table.
Confusion trumped wariness in her
eyes now. He’d thrown her off-balance. Good. Since meeting her the other day,
she’d been popping into his head with annoying regularity. Why should he be
alone in his madness?
He’d been anxious to see her again,
telling himself he’d imagined the unprecedented sexual pull he’d experienced
for Elliott’s step-daughter, step-cousin—step-whatever. His imagination was in
play, all right. From the moment he’d seen her again, he’d envisioned her in a
number of different situations. She’d been naked in all of them.
And he wasn’t the only one
experiencing the pull. Those flashes of feminine awareness in her
dark-chocolate eyes broadcast her attraction to him, an attraction she
evidently planned to ignore. He’d see about that. He hadn’t earned his reputation
as a successful prosecutor by backing away from a difficult case, and the
beautiful dog trainer was a case he meant to crack.
He turned away and wandered further
into the room. Pippin trotted at his side.
“So, this is The Canine Academy?” He
eyed the cages. “Where are your other students?”
A soft release of pent up breath
reached his ears and he smiled. Yes, off balance was just how he wanted her.
“Gone for the day.”
“Why is Pippin still here?”
“Pippin required a more intense
program. He’s our only boarder at the moment.”
“Have dinner with me,” he said,
without turning around. She didn’t answer and he waited several beats before
glancing over his shoulder. Her eyes shuttered, she fell back on sarcasm.
“We just finished dinner. What do you
have, a tapeworm?”
He faced her. “I’d like to take you
to dinner, Rylee.”
Her hand went to Belle’s head beside
her and she jutted her chin up a notch. “That wouldn’t be a good idea, Coop.”
“Why? I’m attracted to you, and a man
can tell when the attraction is mutual.”
She said nothing, returning his gaze
while she scratched the fur between Belle’s ears.
“It’s just a meal.” He crossed his
arms. “I’m not suggesting we jet off to Vegas.”
She snorted softly. “That’s a relief.
Casinos give me a headache.”
The dry sarcasm made him smile. She
hadn’t said no.
“Look, you’re a great-looking guy.”
He flashed a grin, pleased when her
lips twitched in response.
“And I admit you have a certain
amount of charm.”
“But, your father is married to my
“Your mother’s cousin,” he corrected.
He dropped his arms to his sides and stepped toward her. “And Dad and Silvia
can get their own dinner.”
Her lips formed a genuine smile, but
she shook her head. “People rarely come out of this kind of thing on friendly
“This kind of thing?” He continued to
“We’re connected through Sil and
Elliott. I don’t want to see them caught in the middle when this…dating thing,
or whatever it is you’re after, ends.”
“This dating thing?”
“Or whatever it is you’re after,” she
repeated. As he closed the distance, she stepped back and bumped up against the
shark cage. She slapped her spread fingers against his chest to prevent him
from coming any closer. “I’m not in the market for a relationship right now.”
“Then we don’t have a problem, because
neither am I.” He brushed a fingertip over the perfect skin of her cheekbone. “So,
here’s what I suggest.”
Her eyelids fluttered, pupils
dilating, and reluctant temptation replaced the wariness in her dark orbs.
Still, she kept a defensive hand on his chest.
“If you insist on negotiating when I’ve
already explained my concerns,” she said, holding his gaze, “I’d rather you
didn’t touch me.”
He checked the urge to kiss her at
the artless admission of finding his touch disturbing. Instead, he moved his
hand to the cage beside her head. He wrapped his fingers around the metal bar
and dipped his head, bringing his face closer to hers. She blinked but held her
ground, boldly meeting his gaze.
“I propose we get to know one
another,” he pressed. “A few dinners. Maybe a show, or a ball game or two if
you like. We find out what makes each other tick.”
“Hmmm.” Her mouth moved into a smirk.
“Five seconds ago you were talking a meal. Now it’s a few dinners and a ball
game or two. At this rate we’ll be jetting off to Vegas by the end of the week.”
She didn’t try to stop him when he
took the final step that brought their bodies within inches of each other. “Has
anyone ever accused you of being a wiseass?”
Head cocked as though considering the
question, her mouth quivered on a smile. “Nope.”
“How about a liar?”
She lost the battle with the smile
and her low laugh sent a lash of desire whipping across his midsection. He did
what he’d wanted to do since arriving at his father’s condo days ago. Leaning
in, he took...
I’ll be giving away a free
e-copy of THAT DATING THING to one lucky commenter. As for the rest of you, I
hope you’ll pick up a copy, and that you’ll enjoy reading Rylee’s story as much
as I enjoyed writing it.
Thanks so much for visiting
with me today. I love meeting new friends. You can find me at my web home MackenzieCrowne.com Twitter and Facebook
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING HERE TODAY, MAC! I LOVES YA', BABE! And for our visitors, don't forget to leave a comment for the chance to win a copy of THAT DATING THING! WHOOT!
I'm thrilled to be here, AJ, and wicked psyched to unleash That Dating Thing on the world!
Hi A.J. and Mac!
Mega congrats, Mac, on your latest release (number 2!!!Yipee) it sounds really great. Best wishes for great sales.
So thrilled for you Mac.. can't wait to read your book.. I love your sense of humour.
Irene Folz
Alberta Canada
thanks nancy. yippee is right! thanks for stopping in.
Ditto girlfriend. Thanks for stopping in.
Hey ladies what a fun post and I am totally intrigued by That Dating Thing. Glad I got a chance to drop in and say hello.
I'm so glass you dropped in too!
Duh glad even. damn phone. or maybe it's the mud slides. Lol.
Great excerpt, Mac. Love the title, love the dog! Can't wait to read it!! Congrats on your new release!!! :):)
What'd he DO?!? You just can't leave us hanging like that. Can you?
Great excerpt, Mac. Can't wait to read the rest of it.
Thanks Amie. I love the title too. I think it projects the fun of the story perfectly. And I flat out fell in love with Pippin.
Muahaha! Yes I can! ;-) Thanks for coming by.
The book sounds like a hoot. Mac, I wish you the best of luck with your release.
Thanks so much, Jess. It was a hoot to write. Good luck in the drawing.
Woo hoo! I woke up this morning to discover That Dating Thing isn't just near, it's here!
Thanks so much for visiting with me, ladies, but I know what you are thinking - Who wins Mac's first free copy of That Dating Thing? So...
Drum roll, please ... Congratulations, Liv.
A copy of TDT is on it's way to your inbox. If you enjoy my story, please consider leaving a review at Amazon and or Goodreads. If not, don't tell me. You'll make me cry. ;-)
Thanks for the excerpt.
I love romance books and dogs and 'That dating thing' sounds like a great combination
minor_herba AT web.de
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