Welcome to Snippet Sunday at Tattered Pages!
I met some outstanding writers last week!
Be sure to follow the links below and check out all the fabulous folks in this weekly blog hop!
Be sure to follow the links below and check out all the fabulous folks in this weekly blog hop!
Read on for a peek inside Caedmon's Curse,
Book II, The Golden Key Chronicles
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a white star amid a sea of silver and blue crested the ridge. His pulse
thundered and he gritted his teeth in expectant hope. If his eyes did not deceive
him, his lady rode Belial, a devilish white stallion that had thrown and all
but trampled a dozen of his men. A falcon circled overhead, riding the same
draft that toyed with the folds of her white gown.
What boon was this? Did she hold sway over wild beasts? To learn as much would not surprise him, for she had tamed his heart as well.
If you’re a writer (either published or unpublished) join the fun and share a snippet of your work in progress, a new release, or an oldie but goodie.
Participating Authors can be found at these sites: Hashtags: #SPeekSunday #8sunday #snippetsunday

Weekend Writing Warriors for Eight Sentence Sunday
If you leave me a comment, I'll be sure to recriprocate!
Ohhh, AJ. This gave me chills. Is this for purchase yet? I love this. I have to have this. ;) Seriously, excellent description. Very vivid. I was in awe with him.
Fantastic! You have found your voice, sweets!
I thoroughly enjoyed this snippet and want to know more.
I love Caedmon, you know that. This scene like so many in this story are vivid and full of life. Love it!
What a vivid scene! I'm intrigued and want to know more. :)
I just can't express how much I love the way you write. It touches my soul. What a vivid scene and now I just want to read more. Great job. :-)
This is just beautiful! I am so thoroughly intrigued, and I honestly want to read more! What beautiful imagery you've created here. I can see her riding the bare back of the beast, enchantment pouring from her flowing hair and a haze of soft white light radiating from her milky skin.
When will this one be out? lol
Okay, I don't know whether to laugh or cry! You ladies have just made my day! Unfortunately, the book is not out yet. It's the second in a series my agent is shopping around right now. Let's just hope the editor who reads it has the same reaction as all of you! Thank you, my dear, dear friends!
Great snippet. I'm surprised publishers aren't fighting over it. :-)
Very lovely snippet :-)
Love it. Hope the series gets out there soon!
Fantastic snippet! I enjoyed this very much and the horse pic is beautiful! :)
Beautiful description, loved it! Definitely leaves me wanting to read more...
Excellent snippet - what a great description!
Love the lyricism to your voice here. Great job!
Such beautiful imagery---and I'll bet she has a mind of her own, as well!
Sounds like he's got his work cut out for him. Good snippet, AJ. :)
Lovely word choices!
Very poetic and lovely imagery. Can't wait to read more!
Great imagery! Lovely use of language, very poetic, and yet she conquers dangerous beasts. I love the contrast.
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