May you all have a blessed Easter filled with love, peace and joy.
~ * ~

If I’m certain of one thing, children
are full of hope. Their faith doesn’t appear only during moments of weakness.
No seconds tick by when a child isn’t imagining the impossible, dreaming of
happiness, expecting joy. They face life with such optimism. Maybe because they’re
so fresh from heaven, belief is a given.
Not until life gets a hold of a person
does all that fade.
~ * ~
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Weekend Writing Warriors for Eight Sentence Sunday
Participating Authors can be found at these sites: Hashtags: #SPeekSunday #8sunday #snippetsunday

Weekend Writing Warriors for Eight Sentence Sunday
Snippet Sunday Facebook Group
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If you leave me a comment, I'll be sure to recriprocate!
"Not until life gets a hold of a person does all that fade."
One feature of life is the achievement of the ability to control the fading. It takes some of us longer than others to learn that.
Nice snippet!
Wonderful snippet, AJ. I can't really add much more than that. I could wax philosophical on that, but really, it comes down to...I agree wholeheartedly. :) Happy Easter to you and yours, AJ.
Just lovely. Thanks for sharing!
What a thought provoking snippet. Well done!
Beautiful. Happy Easter!
Very nicely put.
I think one of the first instance of life that gets a hold of them and interferes with that innocence is school. It seems so much more problematic for them now.
A well thought out snippet, AJ.
Thank you for sharing thiss
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