Take it away, Paty!!
How my world shapes my writing

Each stage of my writing had to do with what was going on in and around me at the time so it only makes sense that I find myself writing about history—American History, specifically the 1800s has always been my favorite subject. I love museums, historical sites, and finding bits of history that were so integral to life when this country was spreading and growing.
I think having grown up in a semi-isolated part of the state that was slow to get technology brought out the pioneer spirit in me. Until I was twelve, my paternal grandparents lived with us. There were seven people in a three-bedroom, one-bath farmhouse. We had a woodshed where we chopped kindling and stored the wood for the cookstove. When we did get an electric range we still had a wood heating stove and used the wood cookstove when the power went out—which was fairly often. When the power went out we used kerosene and oil lamps, the outhouse, and hauled buckets of water to the house from the ditch. Looking back, it was usually in the winter that the power went out. And on many occasions the pipes from the well to the house froze, and we had to haul water to the house.

These are all events in my life that easily happened in the era of the historical westerns I write. I can feel the continuous heat of the woodstove, hear the clank of the metal plates as grandma put more kindling in the fire. Smell the acrid smoke that slipped through the chimney that went through my bedroom. I more or less lived the life I write about in my historical westerns.
And now, ranching with my husband, I've encountered many of the obstacles that I write about in my contemporary westerns.

Now, I’m drawn to action/adventure and mystery stories. I believe the mystery comes from the fact that as I age I wonder more and more about why people do what they do and find the reasons behind the good and bad things they do intriguing, and this sets my mind up to want to write mysteries for others to unravel. The action/adventure stories allow me to live vicariously through my characters and visit, even if only through research, places I’ve wondered about.
If you are a writer, what shaped the genre you write? If you are a reader, what is your favorite genre to read and why? I’ll pick a name from the comments and send the winner a $5 Amazon egift card.

Her Contemporary Western, Perfectly Good Nanny won the 2008 Eppie for Best Contemporary Romance, Spirit of the Mountain, a historical paranormal set among the Nez Perce, garnered 1st place in the paranormal category of the Lories Best Published Book Contest, and Spirit of the Lake, the second book of the spirit trilogy, was a finalist in the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence.
You can learn more about Paty at her blog; www.patyjager.blogspot.com her website; http://www.patyjager.net or on Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/#!/paty.jager and twitter; @patyjag.
Thank you so much for visiting with me today, Paty! I love your photo...so, so pretty. And everyone else, don't forget to leave a comment to be entered into the draw for a $5 Amazon e-card!
Hi Paty and AJ, what a great subject!
I have found that no matter how far departed from myself I believe my characters are they all have a piece of my life experience. As a military brat I was always trying to fit in and so are my heroines! The amazing thing is readers can pick up-and relate to-our theme even when we are clueless. :-)
Hi Ava! Thanks for stopping by. I can't tell you the reader friends I have that always tell me...that heroine is so you. I can totally hear you talking whenever she has dialogue. LOL I think a part of me is in each of them as well. Good think I'm sorta crazy...let's me be lots of people at once. LOL
AJ, Thanks for having me here!
Ava, that is true in all writers. There is no way you can put feelings and characters on a page without putting a piece of you in there. That's why its an art. Thanks for commenting!
Hi AJ and Paty! I love your new picture, Paty - very American Gothic (but without a pitchfork, and you are much more beautiful than the original lady, and your horse is also more gorgeous than the old guy in that picture. LOL - so I guess it really isn't anything like it after all.) :/
So - I was always a shy young girl, preferring to observe than participate. I guess all those years of people watching have paid off in my writing. Watching and listening is important for believable dialogue and character traits. Since i write about everyday kind of people that works for me!
I loved reading about your history, Paty.
Hi Paty and AJ. What a great way to grow up, Paty. Of course, I say that from the comfort of my furnace heated home. LOL. Great photo you and your horse.
Hi Katherine and Lynne! I told Paty how beautiful she is, but she didn't believe me. Thanks for backing me up, guys! Paty...Pthththth. Told you so. ;-)
Hi, Paty! Like you, I wrote plays and stories when I was a child and had a short horror story I wrote in high school praised as the best in my class. It was too long for the teacher to read out loud though. lol
I was always drawn to science fiction when young and love the idea of time travel.
It was as an adult that I discovered a love of history. I spent ten years as a civilian Civil War reenactor, while my husband did the military side. Much of the history of that was has ended up in my historical romances and I have one time travel out, with another under contract.
I do want to eventually branch out into other genres, but haven't decided what that will be yet.
Love your historicals! And good luck switching genres.
Hi Lynne, LOL on the American Gothic pic! I was shy too and stayed on the edges of things watching. I think it does help a writer make believable characters.
Hi Katherine! Thanks!
Hey Susan! We have several things in common. Thank you, I hope the switching works as well as it's been fun.
Just popping on real quick to say thanks again, Paty! Off now for a camping weekend with the family! Hugs, hon!!
Patty, you are the real deal.
No wonder you do such a realistic description of things most of us only read about these days.
A wonderful interview and post.
And I love the picture.
Have fun AJ!
Hi S.L., Thank you for the kind words and stopping in.
Wow, Paty. I knew you lived out in the eastern part of the state and farmed, but I didn't know about your upbringing. I can definitely see how the wild west has come through in your writing. I'm sure you'll make a great contemporary mystery author too.
My books always generate from a more psychological place or a science question, and my characters tend to reflect what is going on in my life. For example, in EXPENDABLE I was working for a medical research college and had lots of questions. At the same time my son was in Iraq I feared for his safety and his sanity. It was that fear that had me write a veteran with PTSD solving a problem around the misuse of genetic research and a heroine who was caught in the middle of a murder mystery. I think all writers bring themselves to the creative process--some in more direct ways (like your westerns) and others in more indirect ways (like your wonder at what makes people tick).
I love your books and I wish you a long and successful career in many genres.
Hi Maggie!
Thanks for stopping in and commenting. Your books have great reasons behind them for why you wrote them. I have expendable in my TBR pile.
I'm glad you like my books and thank you for the wishes!
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