(And I mean that in the best, most fabulously muscular way.)
Welcome to Tattered Pages' first ever
*AJ does the Electric Slide*
Here's the low-down, dirty rules:
Ahem. Five uber-talented writers currently have their books listed on Amazon for FREE. That's right, FREE. *Let's all pause a moment to soak up that awesomeness, shall we?* Besides bringing their covers, they've supplied us with some eye candy, along with a short pitch why they think their hero is the best of the bunch. That's where you come in.
Before some major in-fighting breaks out all up in here, Laura, Mac, Susan, Tanya and Willa have agreed to let YOU decide which hero is the most sigh-worthy out of these five. Read on to help them settle their debate! Leave us a comment at the end of the post and help us choose a winner!
Disclaimer: No heroes were injured during the posting of this blog. Pitches listed in alphabetical order by hero's first name. See administrator for additional contest rules. Certain restrictions apply. (<--That means you, V. No hiney pinching allowed.)
***Click the covers to be taken straight to your FREE DOWNLOAD***
Without further ado, I give you...
Hero Numero Uno!
Allesandro Marino from T. R. McClure's Never Too Late
course, everyone calls the eldest Marino son Alex, but somehow his given name
Allessandro, like his well-worn jeans, fits him perfectly. His dark hair and olive skin speak of his
Italian heritage, not to mention his passion. He’s dedicated to his work,
overseeing the family vineyard. But when the right woman comes along, watch
out. That intensity he uses to create a fabulous wine...focuses on her.
takes bookworm Kat and pulls her into his adventurous lifestyle of horses and
motorcycles, all while creating a wine that tastes like summer has exploded in
your mouth. How does he do that?

loyal, exciting, that’s Alex, AKA Allessandro Marino. He’s the kind of man you
want to spend your life with.
the total package.
Cin cin!
Hero Number Two!
Donal MacNabb from Willa Blair's Highland Seer
MacNabb is warrior honed to physical perfection, a highly respected arms master
and a gifted teacher. He is also a born
skeptic who trusts his five senses and little else. Despite his gruff exterior, Donal possesses a
caring heart. A younger son with no
prospects at MacNabb, his loyalty lies with his adopted Lathan clan.
book 1, Highland
Healer, loyalty compels him to challenge his laird’s fascination
with the uniquely-talented, yet possibly dangerous, healer from the invading
army. Donal’s eventual acceptance of her
is hard-won.

muse for Donal is Phillip Winchester as “Crusoe” - especially this picture. It
captures Donal’s intensity. How would
you like to have those eyes riveted on you, demanding answers...or kisses
or...um, I forgot what I was saying.
Hero Number Three!
Ethan Tanner from Susan Sheehey's Audrey's Promise

Ethan Tanner had a warped view of the world, stemming from a deep rift between he and his father after his mother died. He devoted himself to becoming the best journalist with an unforgiving edge. When the chance arose to expose a promising politician’s skeletons, he jumped on it. Though joining Audrey Allen at home started with a hidden agenda, he realized once he saw the real Audrey that she was much more to him than a story.
Ethan helped her face
a deep tragedy while visiting her hometown for the first time in a decade.
Audrey needed help forgiving herself for an accident that altered the course of
her life, and the lives of many others. Ethan inspired her to face the truth,
let go of the burden, and follow her original dream. Her path inspired him to
finally let go of the anger toward his father, which in turn allowed him to
finally love with his whole heart.
Hero Number Four! (it's a two-fer!!!)
Martin and Sparrow from Laura Strickland's Daughter of Sherwood

Martin – son of Will Scarlet – with the dangerous blue eyes and mop of golden hair, is rough and always ready. He has a wicked tongue and wicked hands as well, and he’ll put them anywhere Wren allows. He’s neither a safe nor a tame choice, but he calls to something heedless and daring inside Wren.
Sparrow – son of Robin’s right-hand man, Little John – gave his heart to Wren the moment he saw her. Every time Wren looks into his wild, dark eyes she senses all the magic of Sherwood. When she kisses him he calls to her soul; when they’re apart he whispers in her mind. She could easily loose herself in Sparrow, but dares not. For, not only her happiness but the fate of Sherwood rests on her decision.
would you choose?
Hero Number Five!
Trevor Bryce Christos from Mackenzie Crowne's The Billionaire's Con
you ask Meggy why Trevor is her hero and the best of them all, she’d bat her
lashes and say something like, “I don’t kiss and tell.” I do. Uh, not that I’ve kissed Trevor. Oh, you know what I mean. Ahem!
Sure, Trevor is arrogant, confident and determined, but he’s also sensitive,
caring and fun. And, he’s able to
admit when he’s wrong. Those traits are a killer combination for me. Add a bit
of charm and I’m toast.

I ask, who can resist a hero who can charm a woman while making her smile? And did I mention he looks like a Greek god? Overkill? Yeah,
yeah, I’ve gone a little over the word count. My bad. :-)
~ * ~
Donal please.
Gotta love a man in a kilt!
LOL! Good morning, Kate! I was watching a movie last night and I'm fairly certain Donal/Phillip was one of the side characters. Okay, that dude is hot. LOL Where've I been? I didn't even know about this guy.
Whoot! We got one vote for Donal! Thanks for visiting!
Now see here! This just isn't fair! How can you make us choose like this? Huh? Not. Fair. It's just not...:(
But, if I have too, I gotta go with Donal. Loved him in book 1, triple heart him in Book 2.
*looks at the other four* Sorry fellas...but I love me some man in a kilt!
Drat! I didn't think about the kilt. *snaps fingers* Well, hell, Trevor, you're a billionaire. Quick, send a lacky out for a kilt, man!
Oh, BTW, good morning, AJ. :-)
We do love our men in kilts! Or are the rest of ya'll not awake yet? Except for Mac, that is.
Mac, you're going to pull the Billionaire Lackey card? Donal has lackeys, too. Lackeys with claymores! *g*
Claymores!!! Did you hear that, Trevor? Have the lackey pick up some claymores too.
Ha! Willa, you know I love ya, sweetie, but this is war!
LOL Margaret! I agree wholeheartedly. It's a really, really hard choice! Thanks for stopping by! That's two votes for Donal, ladies. Do we have more?
Morning lovely Mac! Trevor has got some "stiff" competition -- sorry couldn't resist -- as do all our other heroes. I had a feeling there might me a war percolating! LOL
So many hunks. Who can choose just one? Guess I'll just have to download the ones I don't already have.
Love ya right back, Mac!
I have to admit, this is one hot group of heroes, even Donal.
Oh, Trevor, don't worry. *whispers* The guy's wearing a skirt! You're still my choice. ;-)
Donal says it's a kilt! If he wore anything under it, it would be a skirt.
See now, Willa, that's just a massive rationalization kilted guys use. Sorry, Donal honey, but when I go commando in a skirt - it's STILL a skirt.
Oh, crap. Did I say that out loud?
They all sound wonderful! A man in a kilt, Gorgeous Italian with skills, Sexy Billionaire, a man great with words, or the Sherwood duo-Will with the wicked tongue and hands and there is Sparrow... Sparrow is who I would choose. Why?
"When she kisses him he calls to her soul..." Now that is one great kisser. It's all in the kiss!
I've always love Robin Hood themed tales. Gotta have this one!
Men in tights...and skirts. Ha!
Yes, Mac. Judging by the grin Donal is giving you, you did say that out loud. Enjoy it - Donal's grins are rare indeed.
Besides, you're a girl. A skirt is no big deal. Would that billionaire have the uh, intestinal fortitude, to wear a kilt properly?
LOLOL! I am lovin this blog today! Mac and Willa, did you see the twitter pic I sent Vonnie of the Scottish barstool? Every time I hear "kilt" that visual flashes in my mind! LOL Can't help it!!
Okay, so far -- two votes for Donal. One for Sparrow.
And Karen, I love that line too! If I had a choice I'd probably vote for Sparrow...or Donal...or Trevor...no, wait Alex...or maybe Ethan... Aw, hell, I can't choose!
And he has a fine grin indeed, Willa. Trevor says of course he has the intestinal fortitude. After all, a kilt is little more than a striped, monogrammed towel. He has a whole closet of those. :-)
AJ, that stool cracks me up every time I see it.
The Sherwood lads say, come into the woods and taste romance, our style! A vote for Sparrow, yay!
Sorry, Trev, Donal doubts you wear striped, monogrammed towels in public - or in battle. I can just see it now, terrycloth flapping around your knees. At least your opponent would die laughing!
Of course, he could just pay his lackeys to wear a proper kilt.
AJ, yes, I'm afraid I have. I want to grab a bleach wipe every time I see it.
ROFLOL, Willa! I'm more curious as to what those ridges would feel like if someone sat down without looking! LOL
Oh, Laura, you're killing me! Those two hotties...in the woods? *AJ shudders* Now THERE'S the visual I need. LOL
There's a lot of magic and mystery in Sherwood. No wonder Wren has a hard time making up her mind!
No stripes, Willa, and as for his opponents dying of laughter, Trevor grinned at that and said, whatever works.
And OMG bleach wipes. lmao Talk about dying of laughter!
Laura, if I can slip out without Trevor noticing, I might take the lads up on their suggestion. *eyebrow waggle*
Now see here ladies, calm down. Remain calm. No need for war here. I'm sure we can divvy up these boys here so that everyone has a great time!
But, Donal will always be my first choice. The Sherwood Lads are a *very* close second and Trevor...well, I must admit being a Billionaire does have it's appeal. But, *only* if he'd be willing to build me a time machine so I can go back and forth between him and Donal...*winks* I'm just sayin'...
LOL You're a greedy girl, Margaret. I like it. Oh Trevor! Cough up the venture capital, baby!
Ethan and Allesandro have been awfully quiet. What's up, guys?
Worried about a claymore and a billionaire's b...ucks? Ha! You thought I was going to say something else, didn't you?
C'mon, Mac and Laura, let's send the guys in after 'em.
Donal from Highland Seer. Scottish. Kilt. Handles big sword. Mmmmmmm.
I love the dark mysterious types so I'm going to go with Alessandro. Sorry ladies! :P
My lads have sharp swords and even sharper arrows. They know how to take care of themselves. Martin was born with a Saxon battle-axe in his hands! Don't think they're afraid of a little money. I mean, c'mon, the Sheriff of Nottingham had money, and look what happened to him!
Whoot! Things are heating up!!
Donal -- four votes (one from a friend on Twitter who's been unable to get her post to go through).
Sparrow -- two votes
Allesandro -- one vote
I gotta step out to a birthday party, but I will be back!!
Hugs to all!!
What a terrific way to enhance your free days traffic. We all need a hero, but picking one now is difficult. I grew up loving "Robin Hood" on TV with Richard Greene, so the idea of his daughter cavorting with the sons of his two comrades-in-arms is certainly intriguing. But today, I'm in the mood for some Italian wine, so I vote Alessandro.
Barbara Barrett
Remember to download all five books - before OR after you vote. You don't have to download just the one you vote for. You can enjoy them all!
The Sherwood lads would LOVE it if you'd download their tale and peruse it at your leisure! Maybe you'll be in the mood for a little ale, later ...
I had trouble deciding until I read this..."If he wore anything under it, it would be a skirt." Oh, my, it's suddenly hot in here! The kilt wins every time, I vote Donal. :)
I vote for ALE!
Sorry, Trev. Hero fighting is thirsty work.
I'd like to fly away to Sherwood with both of the lads, but if I could choose one it would have to be Sparrow.
Donal says a wee dram of the whisky would not go amiss. Sláinte
Slainte math!
Perfect day for a little grape stomping. Allessandro could use some help...
Oh! We're toasting. *Mac sniffs the glass Trevor hands her*
Mmmm smells like Ouzo. Opa!!
Hey, hey now, I'm not being greedy! I said I'd share!!!!! For a minute anyway.
Still, my heart belongs to Donal. Now of the others so far have swayed me from a hot man in a kilt. Sorry boys...*wicked grin*
Uh oh. Donal has crossed his arms over that spectacular chest, taken a wide-legged stance in that kilt (no peeking, ladies!), and is looking around with his usual frown, wondering why some voters are lagging a wee bit getting to the poll.
It's time to exercise your right to choose! These guys will only be FREE through today.
I love a Highland man so hero number 2! :)
WHOOOO HOOOO! I step away for a bit and come back to some fierce competition!! I'm loving it!!
Okay, here's the stats so far:
Donal -- six votes
Allesandro -- three votes
Sparrow -- two votes
I had a beer at the birthday party. Does that count? LOL
Sparrow says if you can swill a flagon of ale, you're his kind of woman!
*SWOON* I just love that guy! Laura, I'm quickly becoming completely addicted to Sparrow!! He's even got a great name!
He is a charmer, isn't he? I've been wondering all day which of her men Wren will choose. I'm leaning toward Sparrow...but I still think Trevor is the hottest hero of them all. :-)
Trevor and Dibs need to hang out. Billionaires unite!
I think they're all hot. I can't wait to read all the books!
Now think about it...Trevor's busy making money, Donal, Martin, and Sparrow are busy fighting, and Ethan is just plain busy! Alex knows how to enjoy life. A glass of wine at the end of the day, a flickering fire, a little night music. Sounds cozy, eh?
LOL OMG AJ. Can you imagine? Sigh and shiver... LOL
Me too, Willa. I feel as if I've come to know all these titles over the past week. I've been keeping track and cheering each story on.
LOL T.R. Trevor isn't always busy making money, not since he moved into Meggy's carriage house hoping to catch her at her con. These days he spends time bellied up to the bar laughing with the locals or sailing his yacht outside Boston harbor.
A yacht outside Boston Harbor? Oh crud. Yep. Sparrow's in a world of hurt now...
A yacht out side of Boston Harbor, I vote for Trevor!! He is my main man!
I vote for Trevor! He's my homie! <3
Thanks AJ for hosting this today! It was tons of fun, but the Sherwood lads and I need to amble back to the forest where I can have them all to myself ...
Martin's sharpening his battle axe and Sparrow has his arrow notched. I think I'm in for an exciting night.
It was nice to spend the day with you and the guys, Laura! I'll see you around the Garden.
Thanks to all the great authors and commenters for participating! I'll tally up the last of the votes and we'll announce our winner this week! Thanks all! XOXO
Thanks, AJ! Today was a lot of fun. Donal and I enjoyed spending the day with everyone. And I am looking forward to reading all these terrific books!
AJ, thanks so much for hosting us and putting up with our silliness. You're the best!
Congrats to my sister freebie authors and all their lovely heroes. Here's to mega future sales.
Donal-Highland Seer, please. <3
Thanks, AJ. Great competition!
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